Sleep Tips

Most people have difficulty falling asleep at some point in their lives. Though occasional insomnia is normal, it shouldn’t be happening frequently. Of course, we always recommend that you consult with a medical professional to rule out any underlying conditions that may be disrupting your sleep cycle.

Here are a few natural key tips that can help you:

  1. Create a consistent sleep schedule and stick to it, even on the weekends. This will help you reset your “internal clock.”
  2. Optimize your bedroom for comfort. The bedroom should be cozy with soft bedding, dimmed lighting, and a nice cool temperature.
  3. Minimize your stimulation before bed. If you are using electronic devices such as a TV, phone, tablet, or any other light-emitting device, consider using a pair of glasses from Ocusleep™. Blocking all of the unnecessary blue and green light will help your brain release its natural melatonin when it’s supposed to.
  4. Avoid big meals before bed. Eating a large meal before bed may cause indigestion or heartburn. Instead, eat or drink things that actually promote sleep such as almonds, walnuts, chamomile tea, kiwi, bananas, dairy products, and fatty fish.
  5. Avoid caffeine and heavy exercise before bed. These things keep you awake. However, light exercise, yoga, stretching, and meditation can help promote sleep.

Quality sleep is critical to our physical and mental health. Making these changes now can lead to a longer, happier, and healthier life.