Recently, much attention is directed toward relating the circadian rhythm with health in the liver. The circadian rhythm can be defined as the biological clock that dictates the following processes: sleep and wakefulness, the secretions of hormones, and their metabolites. On the contrary, many serious repercussions may happen regarding any disruption of this rhythm; those related to the liver need special mentioning. Being a company specializing in sleep glasses, good rest and health is close to our heart. In this blog, we take a look at the connection between the circadian rhythm and liver diseases, and just how the sleep patterns can bear on the liver.
What Are Circadian Rhythms?
The circadian rhythm is a periodicity of various physiological, mental, and behavioral processes which occur in living organisms. It is estimated to recur at about 24-hour intervals, controlled by an internal "biological clock" responding to environmental external factors, mainly light and darkness. Probably the most well-known circadian rhythm is the sleep-wake cycle, though a number of other physiological processes are controlled by circadian rhythms, including metabolism, hormone production, and body temperature.
More specifically, through the circadian rhythm, the internal process of the body synchronizes with the outside cycle of day and night. When they work properly, the circadian rhythms maximize performance by the body in its routine tasks. If the circadian rhythms are disordered, that leads to a number of health disorders such as sleep disorder, metabolic dysfunction, and-so the evidence brought forward suggests-liver disorder.
Circadian Rhythm of the Liver
The inner clock with the liver means that, similar to many organs of the organism, the circadian rhythm of the organs exists within. The liver acts in various functions that go from detoxification through glucose and fat metabolism to the synthesis of bile. It has been shown in studies that the internal clock of the liver plays a great role in regulating these processes so that they optimally take place either in daytime or nighttime.
The liver happens to be among the most sensitive organs in the way it responds to changes of circadian rhythm; as such, disturbance in internal body clock is expected to impact quite heavily on the liver. Indeed, a number of recent studies indicate that disturbances in inherent rhythms of the liver might give rise to fatty liver disease, liver fibrosis, and even liver cancer.
How Circadian Disruption Affects the Liver
One of the major ways the circadian rhythm influences the liver is in metabolic processes. The liver processes and converts nutrients, along with other sources of energy, into a form that the body can utilize. However, disturbance in sleep and eating, and generally disturbance of daily habits, makes one's natural circadian rhythm misaligned hence poorly regulates metabolism.
As a result, night shift workers and those who travel across time zones develop a disruption in the circadian rhythm. Such a phenomenon has been associated with metabolic disorders in shift workers, including type 2 diabetes and NAFLD. This discrepancy between the internal clock and the environmental one may affect the processing of nutrients by the liver, fat, and sugar among others and lead to dysfunction of the liver.
Besides this, it is also observed that taking meals at odd times, such as very late nights, or not taking them at all, interferes with the natural process the liver goes through in order to metabolize food and energy. The circadian rhythm of the liver cannot catch up with demands in these cases; thus, this may lead to conditions such as NAFLD, often associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome.
Sleep and Liver Health
With the central role of the circadian rhythms in regulating liver functions, time and quality of sleep could be an important factor in liver health. Regular quality sleep allows the body to reset the biological clocks, including the circadian rhythm of the liver, thus helping with metabolic processes. Irregular or disrupted patterns, on the other hand, could compromise optimal functioning of the liver.
Key associations between sleep and liver health are hormonal in nature, above all melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone synthesized by the pineal gland under conditions of darkness and influences sleep-wake cycles. However, it has been suggested to play a part, symmetrically, in the protection against oxidative stress and inflammation, which represent major risk factors for liver disease.
In a case of a disrupted rhythm-for example, shift workers and insomnia patients, it suppresses melatonin production. This can contribute to further increased inflammation of the liver and hepatotoxicity aside from disrupted sleep patterns. Supplementation of melatonin reinstated the rhythm, reduced the oxidative stress of the liver, and gave liver health support. This is important in patients with chronic liver conditions, such as NAFLD, in whom sleep deprivation or disrupted circadian rhythm may further exacerbate symptoms in these patients.
Liver Disease and Circadian Disruption: What the Research Shows
Indeed, there is evidence recently that has markedly implicated the disturbance of circadian rhythm in liver diseases. Research in the National Center for Biotechnology Information identified that the circadian rhythms participate importantly in development and progressing liver disease, such that in a study where chronic circadian rhythm disruption caused by such conditions as irregular sleep and feeding schedules developed a severe form of liver inflammation and fibrosis, disorders that usually and eventually culminate in liver cancer and cirrhosis.
In humans, the effects of shift work are consistently associated with an increased risk for metabolic diseases, including fatty liver disease.
One study said, "Night shift workers have increased incidence of liver dysfunction and fat accumulation in the liver." Another study concluded that proper timing of food intake is important in maintaining liver function. This very same food, if taken at night when the metabolism is naturally much slower, may provoke liver damage-even for people staying within normal weight and dietary ranges during the day. These findings point to how much keeping the circadian rhythm on a regular basis, along with proper sleep, is very key in either the prevention or treatment of liver disease.
Practical Hints for Liver Health Support with Sleep
Now that the association between circadian rhythm and liver health has been considered, let's get down to brass tacks on how better sleep habits and correct lifestyle choices can help provide support to liver function.
Follow a Regular Sleeping Pattern: The circadian rhythm regulates sleep and wake-up at precisely the same time every day. It keeps the time clock of your liver right.
Also, avoid eating around bedtime because this would alter the circadian rhythm and affect liver function. Finish dinner at least 2-3 hours before sleeping.
Limit Night Light Exposures: This has been theorized that light can reduce melatonin levels. Be careful with using light when working on your blue light gadget or using blue light filter glass and blue blockers to enhance sleep quality further.
Melatonin Supplementation: Supplementation of melatonin will help those who have disturbed sleep or disruption in their circadian rhythm. It helps for a healthy liver and good sleep.
Make the bedroom a sleep-friendly place: dark and quiet. This will help the body maintain the natural circadian rhythm of the body and give time for the liver to rest and repair when the body is asleep.
It basically connects the dots between circadian rhythm and liver disease and is an important message of a routine sleep pattern and, likewise, a controlled internal clock. Disturbances to the latter, caused either by shift work or poor sleeping habits or even jet lag, could entail grave consequences in the aspect of the liver. The way that the sleep-wake cycle interfaces with the liver might provide opportunities to protect our livers in a manner that acts protectively against metabolic disorders.
As a sleep glasses company, we believe good quality sleep is not an option when it comes to health. Be it control over liver disease or in working one's way towards achieving wellness, aligning the life patterns with the in-built rhythm of nature is one major step anyone can make in life. Pay much-needed attention to rest and regulation of sleep patterns, as this plays a great role in having quality slumber that helps one fend off liver damage.